so this week i need a freaking 8 to 20 page story to write and i have little ideas about what to write! i try something and it goes for a page or two and then i just get fed up and scrap it or start something else or get distracted by craziness. i thought that maybe drinking some coffee would help keep me focus but it has done little with my creativeness and i'm worried that i won't be able to produce something both entertaining and clear. i partially want to write as Galactic Phil and I call "Musical Robot" writing which is really just wierd shit that only a few few people would ever understand but it makes me feels alright...kinda. ("when are the wendigo going to be here?" the milkman asked. "probably around two with the peanut butter delivery.") but then i get worried and shit. gaaaaah! i also think that i have a cramp when i start writing emotional stuff and it feels like it all comes out too corny. "bob knew he would never have her. she was just from a different place. a different life." i didn't actually write that but that's basically what i do have. Gaaaah again!
i just have to face up to the fact that maybe i am a crappy fiction writer. grrrr...but i don't anyone else to know except for those who stumble accross this blog. i'm getting frustrated because of the caffeine i think and other people are sick of me complaining about it. it is hard for me and i don't like it. i want ideas now that i can articulate exceptionally into words. but nothings coming!
good luck to me i suppose.